Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chapters 1-6

Frankly, I've never been one to pre-write, any of my chapters.
In fact, I type them as I come up with them, as I've mentioned before. One thing people wonder is "Where did you get your inspiration?"
I'll message random people who have read the story and ask them, at times even my Beta (Who is epic at turning my insane nonsense into an actual story).
Other than that I'm always listening to music, so that has a lot to do with it, but my biggest secret??
I usually write a chapter after reading a chapter from someone else's Fanfic.
I'm not stealing anyone's ideas, but it does help get my brain juices flowing, (Do not be disturbed by that).
Recently I just updated the chapters, and now I'm waiting for my 6th chapter to be sent back to me.
Once I get that, I'll write the next chapter, and post the 6th.
I'm super excited about what will come of the story, because even now, I wonder how Bella and Edward will end up. In the beginning, I was hoping for a happily ever after, but as I think about the story, I'm sorta seeing it as being continued. I guess i'll never really know until I get there, but as long as my readers continue to read, then I'l be perfectly fine and happy with that.

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